Warkop Biru Pojok Alun2 Bangil beralamat di CQ2M+MF8, Jl. Alun-Alun Barat, Kauman, Kec. Bangil, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67153, Indonesia
Maaf, untuk saat ini nomor telepon belum tersedia.
This place used to be so comfy and had a nice place to sit and had a coffee.
But idk why, the decoration is all changed and isnt that good anymore.
But the coffee still tasted okay, feel free to come here anyway.
Es krim gorengnya enak, tempatnya nyaman..dan makanan camilan lainnya...oh iya ga kalah menarik es lemon tea.....mantaaff
Pelayanannya ramah banget. tempatnya keren banyak barang antik. Buat nyantai asik, buat ngegabut sabi, buat nugas ngebantu banget, buat ngobrol sama pacar juga romantis👍
Good food and good ambiance.. you can find so many cameras and some vintage goods at there, and also you can find a bike that hung up on the wall, so interesting
Kane sih buat nongkrong santuy, area parkirnya yahut, membumi lah pokoknya.
Low Price, Great Taste. Termantap di Buaran. Cocok buat ngemil iseng.
Disini kalau ngopi enak dan ada es krim gorengnya
Untuk gofood kelamaaan....