Rumah Kopi DINDA beralamat di Jln. Perdagangan km 4,8 Landbow, Dolok Sinumbah, Kec. Huta Bayu Raja, Kecamatan Bandar - Kabupaten Simalungun, Sumatera Utara 21184, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Rumah Kopi DINDA Kecamatan Bandar - Kabupaten Simalungun adalah +62 852-7066-9533
The food was so delicious especially the Bacem Chicken. So tasty with a lot of traditional flavors. The environment and atmosphere there was so cozy and relaxing even when they are located nearby main road.
They are also the best place for meeting and hanging out with friends, proved with the sign on the wall that they are the meeting place for Perdagangan vespa scooter community. If you come to Perdagangan, don't forget to try to come here. U won't regret it. Trust me.
Rasa spesifik dan cocok Di lidah
Harga Terjangkau,tempat strategis plus parkir gratis..
Recomended banget..
Salam...UNP (Uwak Naga Production)
Tempat nyaman buat ngumpul bareng temen....
minuman banyak jenis.....harga pas di kantong
Tempat nya nyaman, Bersih, dan juga Sangat cocok untuk ngopi dan nongkrong nongkrong santai
Ada karaoke nya juga. Cucok buat nongki" darah muda š
Tempatnya Bagus & nyaman untuk ngopi/santai
Food is good but this place had served our food very slow so we have to wait so long to eat