My Kopi-O!

My Kopi-O!

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Di mana alamat lengkap My Kopi-O!?

My Kopi-O! beralamat di Jl. Raya Petir - Serang, Banjarsari, Kec. Cipocok Jaya, Kota Serang, Banten 42121, Indonesia

Nomor telepon My Kopi-O! Kota Serang adalah +62 254 201888


  • Review My Kopi-O!

    The place is good and cozy. There's power supply but the wifi is not working while I was there. The food and the drink also nice. This place get the prayer room for moslem.

  • Review My Kopi-O!

    Join their basic barista course for 5 days. It’s an awesome experience, got lot of knowledge from making espresso, basic manual brew, basic cupping till daily machine maintenance. The instructors very friendly, easy going, share their tips n trick. Overall this is the best course’s experience 👍🏻

  • Review My Kopi-O!

    Great place, easy to find, good food and coffe.
    Highly recommenndation. Want to go back there

  • Review My Kopi-O!

    This place is comfy, the staffs are friendly. The food and drinks are look like the same as in the menu

  • Review My Kopi-O!

    Tempatnya nyaman..

  • Review My Kopi-O!

    Excelso yg disini beda parkirnya luas letaknya mudah di jangkau.

  • Review My Kopi-O!

    Parah cuman nurunin sodara aja kena biaya 5rb. Mending kalo di Mall.

  • Review My Kopi-O!

    Pelayanan ngga ramah sama sekali, dari turun dari motor aja udah diliatin entah karna kebanyakan disitu pake mobil dan gw pake motor sendiri. Asli kecewa, ngga lagi lagi kesini deh

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