Lunpia Cik Me Me

Lunpia Cik Me Me

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Di mana alamat lengkap Lunpia Cik Me Me?

Lunpia Cik Me Me beralamat di Jl. Gajahmada No.107, Miroto, Kec. Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50135, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Lunpia Cik Me Me Kota Semarang adalah +62 851-0000-0727


  • Review Lunpia Cik Me Me

    Lumpia Cik Mei Mei, one of the legendary culinary specialties of the city of Semarang. It has been around since the 70s by the first generation and exists today. Even Ms Mei Mei introduced Lumpia to foreign countries. There are Lumpia Crispy/Lumpia Chips variants that are appropriate to take home as souvenirs. Those who travel to the city of Semarang, please stop by at the location of Jalan Gajah Mada

  • Review Lunpia Cik Me Me

    Karena tempatnya enak, nyaman, lumpianya nikmat...

  • Review Lunpia Cik Me Me

    Katanya sih enak dan ternyata..yummy

  • Review Lunpia Cik Me Me

    Lumayan nyaman tempat

  • Review Lunpia Cik Me Me

    Good food

  • Review Lunpia Cik Me Me

    Suka disini mas2 nya sopan2 apalagi pakai bahasa jawa gitu berasa dijogya, makanannya lumayan enak dengan harga terjangkau.
    Untuk nasi goreng porsinya lumayan banyak klo buat cewek. Paling suka teh jahenya mantap

  • Review Lunpia Cik Me Me

    Nice place, good ambience with jogja's vibes. The foods are good, its start from 23k. The waiters speak in Javanese language its nice

  • Review Lunpia Cik Me Me

    Pricey, mahal. Rasa masakan biasa saja.

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