Indologie Coffee and Space

Indologie Coffee and Space

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Di mana alamat lengkap Indologie Coffee and Space?

Indologie Coffee and Space beralamat di Jl. Ahmad Yani No.13, Sukmajaya, Kec. Jombang, Kota Cilegon, Banten 42411, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Indologie Coffee and Space Kota Cilegon adalah +62 254 7814584


  • Review Indologie Coffee and Space

    Very comfortable cafè in Cilegon where you can get comfy space for gathering with your friends or just for you. There are many coffee variant and the other drinks and foods. They play music everynight (especially jazz or indie). There are many books too. The most interesting thing is you can learn how to make your own coffee with instruction from the barista.

  • Review Indologie Coffee and Space

    Recommended by my Balinese friend, and I ordered Ristretto at their coffee shop. Nice aroma, medium body & a bit sweet, chocolaty at the after taste.
    Their barista offered me to visit the roastery, but we have no time for it.
    Will be back for sure.

  • Review Indologie Coffee and Space

    Pengalaman baru ke roastery. Nice coffee

  • Review Indologie Coffee and Space

    좋아하는 곳! 너무 일찍 닫아서 아쉬운 곳

  • Review Indologie Coffee and Space

    Small coffee shop. Order their picollo, taste very good.
    Have their own (big) roastery next door.

  • Review Indologie Coffee and Space

    The tour was short but we received free tastings of the coffee. The place was clean and very welcoming.

  • Review Indologie Coffee and Space

    커피원두 사려고 갔는데 별거 없는 듯했다. 구석에 있는 작은 카페에서 한잔만 마시고 나옴

  • Review Indologie Coffee and Space

    A scam for chinese tourists. They sell luwak coffee for IDR 300k for ONE CUP. We can get it for 50k elsewhere. They serve the coffee with V60 but they can’t use it well. When I display the V60 manual brewing technique, she said “the coffee is too light ya”. Yayaya. They sell robusta beans for IDR 440k/kg, elsewhere we can get it for IDR 70k/kg. Dont go here, better go to Tanamera, Expat, Revolver or anywhere else.

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