HR Coffee beralamat di Jalan Lintas Sumatera Km. 100 Kecamatan Sei Suka, Kabupaten Batu BaraSumatera Utara, Sipare-Pare, Kec. Air Putih, Kabupaten Batu Bara, Sumatera Utara 21257, Indonesia
Nomor telepon HR Coffee Kabupaten Batu Bara adalah +62 823-6108-4556
this place will be more comfortable if there is an additional snack menu, and more space for parking area
The have promos on the weekend
just coincidentally found this place when im look into coffee shop that open in early morning. first impression is good. the place not too crowd and its definitely comfortable place for working remote in the morning, the Kopi Susu is also great.
Very nice place for hangout. Had Hot Cappuccino and it tasted good. Will stop by next time
Fave as always, Cipete checked, Bintaro checked, and Bogor checked ❤❤❤
Located on main-street and integrated with bike shop, the venue also provides you varieties of caffeine booster as well as non-coffee drinks and meals. Its spacious two-stories venue comes with open space concept so technically not fully indoor. Perfect alternative for chilling out or having a lunch meeting
Kalo yg terbiasa makan di MCD sambil makan, ngopi, kerja ato ngerjain tugas jangan samakan dgn d sini ya. Disini hanya untuk makan minum terus pulang, jangan lama2 biar ga kena teguran. Saya hanya menyampaikan kta2 yg punya resto. Datang jam 8-11 klo mau ngerjain tugas / kerja d sini oke. Terimakasih.