Hafiz Food Cafe beralamat di Jalan Bangil-Pandaan RT.01/RW.04 Kel.Sidowayah Beji, Kolursari, Kec. Bangil, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67154, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Hafiz Food Cafe Pasuruan adalah +62 856-4968-8819
Kurang cocok untuk me time atau untuk jadi tpt wfa, krn tempatnya agak berisik
Mgkn bisa dimaksimalin lg utk s setting tempatnya
ini baru kafe yang rekomended untuk kalian anak muda yang hobi ngobrol dan bercanda ria... oke deh sukses
This is the homie place with delish menu and affordable. Thanks ya udh mau tutup lebih lama buat nungguin gw bikin pt, kalian baik sekali :) sukses selalu...
Good place
Good coffee and cozy place
Small scale venue for having a caffeine dose. Its outer area is way much larger than its minimalistic interior. Menu-wise, it has manual brews, espresso-based, and non-coffee beverages. It appears to sell various coffee beans as well. Quite perfect for coffee lovers.
good coffee if you like strong and low acidity
Pesen green tea ice cream.. mayan seger