FOW Coffee

FOW Coffee

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Di mana alamat lengkap FOW Coffee?

FOW Coffee beralamat di Jl. Ki Ranggo Wirosantiko 30 Ilir, Kec. Ilir Bar. II Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30121, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30128, Indonesia

Nomor telepon FOW Coffee Kota Palembang adalah +62 812-7904-0607


  • Review FOW Coffee

    Nice place, spacius with instagrammable design
    Have 2 floors space, VIP rooms, Outdoor at each floor
    Many choice of beverages and food
    And you can find unique drinks here
    Cons : there no much power outlet
    And have avarege / slow internet connection
    But for the weakness, it can replace with cozy space, and nice waiters..

  • Review FOW Coffee


  • Review FOW Coffee


  • Review FOW Coffee

    Good place and have a good environtment, but the food left me speechless. Not bad per se, but still speachless.

  • Review FOW Coffee

    Oke untuk mabar ml

  • Review FOW Coffee


  • Review FOW Coffee

    Pelayan nya resek

  • Review FOW Coffee

    Pelayannanya not good pada saat order lama dan di lempar2 utk pmbuatan ordernya.. bgini kelas utk coffee shop besar?? Saya msh inget namanya tu anak sombong dsana...

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