EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

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Di mana alamat lengkap EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar?

EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar beralamat di Jl. Andi Djemma No.82, Banta-Bantaeng, Kec. Rappocini, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90222, Indonesia

Nomor telepon EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar Kota Makassar adalah +62 811-2001-0467


  • Review EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

    Cozy place, nice coffee, and reasonable price

  • Review EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

    The place actually is ideal for gathering or just hanging out. It has both indoor and outdoor space, ample parking lot, strategic location, praying room and even an atm. Unfortunately the food does not meet my appetite: the nachos are oily with poor dressing that just relies on the taste of mayonnaise and sauce from a minimarket, the pizza tastes like bread sold by a street vendor

  • Review EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

    Best food in town because when you want food in city center is quite far. Also the place is quite cozy especially when you go for dinner with family

  • Review EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

    Delicious... lot of sambal available.
    Fried Duck recomended

  • Review EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

    tempat e nyaman rasa enak parkir luas

  • Review EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

    Delicious. Wide parking area. It has Musholla and play ground for children too...

  • Review EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

    Sambele mantull

  • Review EIGER Adventure Flagship Store Makassar

    Sambalnya mantap dg aneka pilihan. Tempat cukup nyaman dan bersih, harga menu terjangkau sesuai dg yg disajikan.
    Unt cita rasa khas bebeknya kurang kental, rasa bebeknya lbh cenderung rasa ayam kampung.
    Saran, unt WC lbh baik dipindah ke tempat agak jauh dr ruang makan spy bau menyengat WC tdk sampai tercium dr tempat makan.

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