Banten House

Banten House

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Di mana alamat lengkap Banten House?

Banten House beralamat di Link. Cijawa Masjid No. 7, Jl. KH Abdul Fatah Hasan, Cipare, Kec. Serang, Kota Serang, Banten 42117, Indonesia

Nomor telepon Banten House Kota Serang adalah +62 812-9406-5450


  • Review Banten House


  • Review Banten House

    Tempatnya pinggir jln raya ,saya rasa ini bkn warung tp rumah dibuat kyk warung gtu sangat sempek( g luas) tempat parkir motor jg sempit banget klo bawa mobil kesini parkir dipinggir jln raya klo ramai bs mengganggu laluli tas ....klo anda mau kesini silahkan pikir" dlu

  • Review Banten House

    Amazing, this is favorite place in Yogyakarta

  • Review Banten House

    Coffees are just ok
    But love the pastries

  • Review Banten House

    Drinks and foods choices are not as many as Starbucks. But the coffee still tastes really good. What confused me is that there was no option for size. The chicago cheesecake does not taste very good compared to other cheesecakes I have tasted. What I love most about this place is that it is quiet, not crowded, has good lighting, comfortable, and the price is more reasonable than starbucks. You can also have boba tea here since they've brought it up on the menu.

  • Review Banten House

    Harga untuk kalangan atas

  • Review Banten House

    Tempatnya nyaman sekali sangat enak untuk bersantai.
    Lokasi berada di dalam tempat tinggal warga sehingga akses jalannya sempit kalau menggunakan mobil.
    Untuk makanannya enak cuma sayang pilihan makanannya kurang bayak.
    Untuk informasi Ijen Shelter ini saya management loh dengan pondok indah resto cafe

  • Review Banten House

    Local are waiting for next colaboration hehehehe


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