Klinik DrH Albert Basuki Winata beralamat di RT.13/RW.9, Kembangan Utara, Kec. Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11610, Indonesia
Nomor telepon Klinik DrH Albert Basuki Winata Kembangan Utara adalah (021) 5808278
Caring, friendly & very very very very trustworthy!Brought my 15years old dog (rujukan dari 2 rs lain) yang udah “angkat tangan” krn udh kaku & lemes, tp pulang dr tempat drh Basuki langsung bisa jalan-jalan kesana kemari, gonggong & even main bola ❤️❤️Sehat selalu dokkCaring, friendly & very very very very trustworthy!Brought my 15 year old dog (reference from 2 other hospitals) who has "raised his hand" because he is stiff & weak, but when he comes home from Dr. Basuki's place he can immediately walk here and there, bark & even play ball ❤️❤️Always healthy, doc
Sempat ke beberapa dokter, tapi paling suka dan cocok dg DrH satu ini. Berpengalaman banget. Antre ga lama karena pengerjaannya cepat (utk kasus Taro yang luka sobek, beliau lgs gunting bulu, pakein salep, perban, pakein cone. Pengerjaan sekitar 6 menit) penanganan ga berlebihan tapi paling manjur dibanding dokter hewan lain, tempatnya dekat dengan ruko jd parkiran banyak, harga jg terjangkau.I've been to several doctors, but I like and suit this DrH the most. Very experienced. The queue doesn't take long because the work is fast (in the case of Taro's torn wound, he just clipped the feathers, applied ointment, bandages, used a cone. The work took around 6 minutes) the treatment was not excessive but it was the most effective compared to other vets, the place is close to the shophouse so there is plenty of parking , the price is also affordable.
Selalu langganan sama dokter ini .baik banget doktrr hewan termurah menurut ku tapi kualitas nya bagus
Dokter langganan dr dulu bgt, best pokoknya, sehat selalu dok
Temenku bawa anjing titip disana berapa hari. Pas diambil malah jadi kutuan dan kotor banget, padahal sblm dititip ga kutuan dan baru dimandiin (bersih bgt)
Baik banget dokternya, ampuh bgt pengobatannya juga
Dari sekian banyak vet di jakbar, hanya klinik di Drh. Albert yg harganya merakyat, dokternya informatif dan to the point, diagnosanya tepat, dan cekatan dalam bekerja,jadi pengerjaannya cepat, dan doggy saya bisa ceria kembali, Sehat selalu ya dokterAlbert supaya bisa lebih banyak membantu banyak orang dan peliharaan mrk 😊😊Of the many vets in West Jakarta, only the clinic at Drh. Albert, whose prices are popular, the doctor is informative and to the point, his diagnosis is correct, and he is deft in his work, so the work is fast, and my doggy can be happy again, always healthy, doctorAlbert so he can help more people and their pets 😊😊
Dokternya baik hati dan sangat cekatan dan ramah sekali, informatif dan membantu sekali, reptile kadal saya juga berobat ke beliau, trims dokter
Dr albert. Really helpful. Gak Kasi harapan palsu or sembarangan vonis. Membantu sebisa mungkin. My doggo bao zi. Been vomiting dan poo darah cair. Divonis dr lain buat parvo, perlu nginep dan harus infus. Disni cman dikasi suntik dan vitamin, Infus 1 menit. Seminggu sudah mau makan dan minum. Amaze me. Dr nya bener" kasi saran yang berbeda dengan dr lain. Tapi always works. Thankyou so much dokDr. Albert. Really helpful. Don't give false hopes or random verdicts. Help as much as possible. My doggo bao zi. Been vomiting and liquid blood poo. Another doctor diagnosed me with parvo, needed to stay overnight and needed an IV drip. Here, I was given an injection and vitamins, infusion for 1 minute. I've been eating and drinking for a week. Amaze me. The Dr was right" gave different advice to other Drs. But it always works. Thank you so much doc
Dokternya super baik dan informatif. Sampai jalan keluar kompek dikasih tau. Baik banget doktetnya, kerjanya juga cepat dan gesit. Oh iya disini juga melayani pet grooming dan styling, dan bs home service juga. Bisa wa 081 222 550 675 ya. Semoga sehat selalu dok, biar tiap tahun anjingku selalu divaksin sama dokter. Hehehe.. Gbu drh Albert😊The doctor is super kind and informative. Until you know the way out of the complex. The doctor is really good, his work is also fast and agile. Oh yes, here we also provide pet grooming and styling services, and home services too. You can WA 081 222 550 675. I hope you are always healthy, Doc, so that every year my dog is always vaccinated by a doctor. Hehehe.. Ms. Albert😊
Dokter yang sangat baik ,dan demawan semoga sehat selalu dokter
Dokternya ramah dan profesional. Penjelasannya lengkap dan bukan tipe yg komersil. Recommended buat yg punya hewan peliharaan yg sakit utk berobat ke Dr. Albert. Di sana dijual cukup lengkap kbthn hewan peliharaan dari mulai obat sampai makanan.
Drh Albert Basuki Winata is a very recomended Vet. As i could say he has a kinda healing power.He treat all kinds of pets, animals, reptiles, birds.... and also cattles with all his heart.He always does his best.When my dogs need to be shot, my dogs mostly not cry, 'coz Dok Albert does it very Quick....
Very kind and friendly vet who genuinely cares and wants to help the animals. Always gives the best too to help. Sehat, bahagia, dan sukses selalu Dok, Tuhan memberkati :)
Masya Allah akhirnya ketemu dokter hewan yg baik, gak materialistis cocok buat yg suka street feeding, anabul ku juga selamat setelah dibawa kesini, sehat berkah selalu pak Albert 🙏
dokter hewan terbaik di jkt barat, pelayanan mantap, dokter nya ramah banget, ga mata duitan. kalau keadaan gawat mau di panggil jika jaraknya masih dekat rumah
Been going here for the last 15 years. Dr Albert is heaven sent to help our doggos and other type of pets helpful, fast working, passion driven, willingly to help in any scenario. Thank you doc 🤗
Dokter yg tidak materialistis, free untuk konsultasi, klo ada obat baru bayar obat nya aja, recommended lah, sehat selalu dok, panjang umur
Menurut saya dokternya komikatif, to the point. Sangat berpengalama. Dijelasin sedikit gejala2nya, puppy saya langsung tau kenapanya
Dokternya hebat bisa menyuntik dgn cepat dan tepat sehingga anabul tdk menjadi panik duluan. Terus dokternya baik dan informatif.